Thursday, May 1, 2014

It came back!

Last time, I talked about something the two german ships with a certian weapon called a tesla cannon. Well, now our good friends on the leviathan have reached Constantinope, otherwise known as Istanbul. I really would like to post a video, but it has no relevence whatsoever, so I am going to add it as a link at the end of the post.

So now that we are set in the Ottoman Empire, we have found out that the Germans have already basically taken over. We also find out what was in one of the infamous eggs, that have been on the ship since the beginning of the story. The "perspicacious loris" as it is called hatched for Alek (Westerfeld 177). It apparently is very helpful to those who listen, but I can't tell why yet.

Remember those ships I mentioned earlier, they are here too. In fact, they offered themselves as a gift from the Germans to the sultan. This will be hard to beat, but something odd happens at the end of one of the chapters, giveing a very distinct twits to the end...

Will post again soon.

P.S. One of the ironclads is named the Goben. The other remains unnamed.

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