Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tesla^2 Coil^2

I find it funny and ironic using math symbols on an English blog, but that's not important right now. What is important is what has just happened in Behemoth. The Leviathan (whale airship) began the book heading toward the Ottoman Empire, and was over the Mediterranean Sea when two ironclad German ships appeared. And one had a new weapon. The Tesla Cannon.

Many of us know that with a Tesla Coil, it is possible to create lighting without the help of Mother Nature. (Go mankind!) A Tesla Coil may look like this:

The Tesla cannon is displayed in this picture from the book:
The result is produced as a Tesla Coil cubed, and made into a devastating weapon. Especially for the WWI time period.

But Marcel, they didn't have this technology at this point in time.
Point taken, but this is steam-punk, a genre that melds futuristic technology with the past. This is only the beginning of the book however, and i think that it is going to become much more intense as the technology becomes better, and we reach Constantinople.

Until then, Keep reading.

1 comment:

  1. The steampunk genre is a really weird idea, but It's a very good idea as well. I also like that they make up technology based on existing science, and expand on it.
