Many of us know that with a Tesla Coil, it is possible to create lighting without the help of Mother Nature. (Go mankind!) A Tesla Coil may look like this:
The Tesla cannon is displayed in this picture from the book:
The result is produced as a Tesla Coil cubed, and made into a devastating weapon. Especially for the WWI time period.
But Marcel, they didn't have this technology at this point in time.
Point taken, but this is steam-punk, a genre that melds futuristic technology with the past. This is only the beginning of the book however, and i think that it is going to become much more intense as the technology becomes better, and we reach Constantinople.
Until then, Keep reading.
The steampunk genre is a really weird idea, but It's a very good idea as well. I also like that they make up technology based on existing science, and expand on it.