Saturday, April 12, 2014

Why do good books always end this way?

Have you ever noticed that good books tend to end with cliff hangers? I mean, not that they are bad, but a cliff hanger kind of forces you to read the next book. There are two types of cliff hangers. Those that say the story could go on in your head, and those who say that there is another book coming out, read it to! Why might I be opening with such a statement? Because that is exactly how the book Leviathan ends; a cliff hanger.

Throughout the course of the book, I was wondering: where is the climax? I finally found it near the end of the book. Not much room for an ending, right? Well, at the beginning of the story, the leviathan (whale airship) had set out for the Ottoman Empire. They still haven't gotten there and there is another book: Behemoth (who knew; another mythical creature).

I really would like to read this next book, and see how it turns out.

Until then, keep reading.

P.S. I may not read this book next. I have other things to do.

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